Skugal : Digital Marketing For Ever Growing Online Learning Platforms

Advancements in technology have provided education with flexibility. Students now have the opportunity to learn whatever they desire from any corner of the world, just by sitting at their home. Thanks to the internet, online learning is rapidly taking the place of traditional education systems. However, it’s important to note that on-campus education has not yet disappeared entirely and will most likely never.

Therefore, to increase the number of enrollments in online learning platforms, it’s essential to use digital marketing. With effective digital marketing strategies, you can reach millions of students in a matter of moments. However, a thorough grasp of these strategies is essential. Otherwise, you might lead your platform to the wrong path, decreasing enrollments significantly. So, to help you reach your goals of educating numerous pupils across the world, here are a few strategies that you will certainly find helpful.

Acquire And Maintain Backlinks

If you want your website to be seen as a reputable source of online education in search engine results, then the use of backlinks is vital. Not only is your website more likely to be found by using this strategy, but it will also help rank your website on the first search engine result page (SERP). However, acquiring backlinks isn’t as easy as it seems. Only backlinks that are sufficient in quality content and information placed on other credible websites will prove beneficial. This makes it quite challenging for inexperienced webmasters and marketers to adopt this strategy. Therefore, it’s best to hire a service specifically designed for this purpose. So, make sure to contact this higher education marketing agency to gain the most relevant backlinks linked to trusted websites.

As a result of following this strategy, your overall authority and reputation will rise in the world of online education. You will also be able to specifically target individuals who are most likely to enroll by linking your platform to relevant websites.

Improve User Experience

Online learning websites have a goal of leaving a positive impression on students and parents researching for enrollment. If your website has issues that interfere with the users’ experience, they will most likely go to a better website. A website is a website regardless of its niche, and creating a good user experience is equally important. Research shows that 79% of website visitors don’t return to a website if it provides a poor user experience, such as low loading speed Websites that take forever to load generally have a very high bounce rate. Hence, optimize your website to be responsive and load almost instantly within a few seconds.

Furthermore, it’s also essential to make it user-friendly, so people can easily navigate through your website and find the information they need. Lastly, you can check your website for errors. For example, blank pages can be quite frustrating for the user. To make sure everything is working fine and in place, with fast loading times, test your website yourself by using it a couple of times

Focus On SEO

We mentioned backlinks earlier, which are a crucial part of SEO, but they’re not the only thing you need to optimize for search engine visibility. In fact, SEO entails a more holistic approach. It helps you increase visibility on search engines by focusing on keywords, backlinks, content, anchor text, and various quality changes on your website. Executing a thorough SEO strategy drastically increases rankings on SERPs and makes it easier for people to find your website. This includes students searching for online education portals with relevant keywords in search. In fact, as much as 93% of all online experiences initiate by searching on search engines. Therefore, optimizing your website, according to Google’s guidelines, is essential

Incorporating keywords in your content can help in SEO. However, it’s important to carry out extensive research to determine which keywords will make a significant difference. Furthermore, tags and titles are also beneficial to boost your SEO strategy further. Know your target audience’s search intent to create content for your digital marketing strategy.

Use Social Media Marketing

Social media is quite popular amongst people, especially the youth. Therefore, it’s an excellent opportunity to gain the attention of your potential target market. You can start by building up a community on social media platforms that are popular amongst students. A community will not only help to spread more information about your learning platform but will also help to build a better relationship with your audience. Furthermore, using paid social media advertising is also a useful tool to divert traffic to your website and potentially increase enrollments.

Use Email Marketing

Often many students and parents lose interest after visiting some online education platforms. Therefore, it’s essential to retain their interest. For this purpose, you can use email marketing. You can provide visitors with your platform’s official email address so that they can contact you for further inquiries. You can also try to persuade users to subscribe to an email newsletter. These subscribers can then receive targeted information to retain their interest in your online learning platform. You can even incorporate links to different pages of your website in the emails, such as blogs, course outlines, and payment options. However, try not to bombard with emails as this does not lead to a pleasant experience.

Produce Engaging Content

Another thing that attracts a lot of web traffic is engaging content. The best tactic is to create a blog and fill it with exciting yet relevant content for people aspiring to acquire an online degree. As mentioned above, this is also a great SEO tool that you can use to create and acquire backlinks.

As educational platforms, you must ensure that the content you create is up to date and contains the most helpful information backed up by research. Furthermore, you can also create infographics and videos to help people visualize your message. Such content is essential to convey your message effectively. However, to produce engaging content, you’ll first need to understand what your audience is most interested in. Perhaps creating marketing personas can be quite helpful in this task.


Inevitably, online education will replace on-campus learning to a great extent in the coming years. Therefore, spreading awareness of your online learning platform has become essential. If you keep the above-mentioned digital marketing strategies in mind, you are more likely to secure your future as an online education provider. Most importantly, you’ll be able to transform the future of thousands of individuals for the greater good!


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