What makes us stand out?

Empowering your regular identities with unique identities and engaging performance parameters.


Unique Profiles

The students get unique profiles and identity where their performances are measured and evaluated over a period of time. Teachers could add constructive remarks or praise in order to boost the morale of students.


Accurate Reports

All the performance marks of the students are updated regularly and accurtely. The system solely evaluates the performance of each unique profiles and presents it to the tecahers and parents in form of report cards and graphs.


AI Enabled

The entire cloud based interface is powered by AI allowing the system to boost its functioning. The technology updates the students performance, evaluations and scores in real time which negates the chances of any data inconsistency.


Parental Access

These profiles are easily accessed through the parents. The parents pla an important role in the performance of a student at their learning grounds, therefore the entire profile could be easily accessed by the parents.

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