Skugal : Track your school vehicle without a GPS device.

"Technology is the mother of change"

Nowadays parents have become more informed and need to know the whereabouts of their wards on a regular basis. Despite their busy schedules they look into the regular life of their wards. But for this the school management providers charge a fortune to enable GPS systems in the transports which is hard for every school to manage.

SKUGALMeeting all; the parents needs, the students educational foundation and the finances, is the basic responsibilities of an educational institution. With the growing technology it becomes hard for the schools to adapt the full advancement and is always stuck with the finance management. So what is the way out for the schools? How can they keep up with all the basic requirements?

Skugal, with its advanced transport management system has helped multiple institutions to keep a track of the real time position of their students. The company has found an algorithm where their transport management system keeps a track of all; the driver, the total number of students in a particular vehicle and the real time location of the students. The most advanced feature about the entire system is that it does not require a fortune to inculcate a gps tracker. Rather the entire system is defined with an algorithm which tracks the real location of the students without a GPS tracker. Yes it is true, all the schools can now magnify their security statistics without spending a fortune on GPS integration.

Parents are enabled with the real time location of their wards, which keeps them informed and satisfied at the same time. They are educated and well informed all the time.


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